There’s an interesting discussion over at opensolaris-code, spawned from an initial request to add some tunables to Solaris /proc. This exposes a few very important philosophical differences between Solaris and other operating systems out there. I encourage you to read the thread in its entirety, but here’s an executive summary:
When possible, the system should be auto-tuning – If you are creating a tunable to control fine grained behavior of your program or operating system, you should first ask yourself: “Why does this tunable exist? Why can’t I just pick the best value?” More often than not, you’ll find the answer is “Because I’m lazy” or “The problem is too hard.” Only in rare circumstances is there ever a definite need for a tunable, and almost always control coarse on-off behavior.
If a tunable is necessary, it should be as specific as possible – The days of dumping every tunable under the sun into /etc/system are over. Very rarely do tunables need to be system wide. Most tunables should be per process, per connection, or per filesystem. We are continually converting our old system-wide tunables into per-object controls.
Tunables should be controlled by a well defined interface – /etc/system and /proc are not your personal landfills. /etc/system is by nature undocumented, and designing it as your primary interface is fundamentally wrong. While /proc is well documented, but it’s also well defined to be a process filesystem. Besides the enormous breakage you’d introduce by adding /proc/tunables, its philosophically wrong. The /system directory is a slightly better choice, but it’s intended primarily for observability of subsystems that translate well to a hierarchical layout. In general, we don’t view filesystems as a primary administrative interface, but a programmatic API upon which more sophisticated tools can be built.
One of the best examples of these principles can been seen in the updated System V IPC tunables. Dave Powell rewrote this arcane set of /etc/system tunables during the course of Solaris 10. Many of the tunables were made auto-tuning, and those that couldn’t be were converted into resource controls administered on a per process basis using standard Solaris administrative tools. Hopefully Dave will blog at some point about this process, the decisions he made, and why.
There are, of course, always going to be exceptions to the above rules. We still have far too many documented /etc/system tunables in Solaris today, and there will always be some that are absolutely necessary. But our philosophy is focused around these principles, as illustrated by the following story from the discussion thread:
Indeed, one of the more amusing stories was a Platinum Beta customer
showing us some slideware from a certain company comparing their OS
against Solaris. The slides were discussing available tunables, and the
basic gist was something like:
“We used to have way fewer tunables than Solaris, but now we’ve caught
up and have many more than they do. Our OS rules!”
Needless to say, we thought they company was missing the point.
Tags: OpenSolaris
2 Responses
Another tenet for adding tunables is that there should be well documented methods for determining how to adjust the value based on observations of the system. It can certainly be difficult to guess at the appropriate size for a dynamic data structure or duration for a time out, but without a clear methodology for setting the value appropriate based on performance observations even a well-defined and specific tunable can quickly become a nightmare.